On the water:
According to the statistics of the tourism association, the vast majority of guests who visit Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are looking for sustainable rest and relaxation in beautiful nature and would like to use high-quality tourist services. There is nothing wrong with high-class tourist services, but why does it always have to have a pensioner-like touch? If you want to show more activity than just lounging on a deck chair on the beach of the Baltic Sea and taking a steamboat trip on the Müritz, you've come to the right place. But one after anonther.
On the water
Motorboot, mieten, chartern, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee Motorboot, Ausflugsboot, mieten, chartern, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee Rettungsinsel, Schlauchboot, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee Floß, Holzfloß, Junggesellenabschied, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee Schute, Kanu, Riesenkanu, Lastkahn, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee Kanu, Kanuvermietung, Kanutour, mieten, Verleih, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Abenteuer in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Tel: 038731/471167
Mobil: 0175/8908998
Abenteuer in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
On the water
Kanu, Kanuverleih, Kanutour, Tour, Vermietung, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
                                    On the water:
According to the statistics of the tourism association, the vast majority of guests who visit Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are looking for sustainable rest and relaxation in beautiful nature and would like to use high-quality tourist services. There is nothing wrong with high-class tourist services, but why does it always have to have a pensioner-like touch? If you want to show more activity than just lounging on a deck chair on the beach of the Baltic Sea and taking a steamboat trip on the Müritz, you've come to the right place. But one after another.
Schute, Lastkahn, Betriebsausflug, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Floß, Holzfloß, Party, See, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Rettungsinsel, Hochsee, Titanic, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Motorboot, Ausflugsboot, chartern, mieten, Strand, See, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Ausflugsboot, Motorboot, Teamevent, Firmenausflug, Warnow, Mildenitz, Mecklenburg, Rostock, Schwerin, Müritz, Fleesensee
Deutsche Flagge
We will gladly advice you personally. Phone: 038731/471167, Mobile: 0175/8908998
n the water:
According to the statistics of the tourism association, the vast majority of guests who visit Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are looking for sustainable rest and relaxation in beautiful nature and would like to use high-quality tourist services. There is nothing wrong with high-class tourist services, but why does it always have to have a pensioner-like touch? If you want to show more activity than just lounging on a deck chair on the beach of the Baltic Sea and taking a steamboat trip on the Müritz, you've come to the right place. But one after anonther.